

課程英文名稱: Conference English and Practice
1.Create trsong openings and closings
2.Build audience rapport through eye contact, vocal delivery and body language
3.Organize key points into a coherent story
4.Improve personal voice projection, articulation, pacing, and fluency
5.Capture and maintain audience interest and attention using interactive techniques
After completing this course, students will be able to give speeches effectively. The contents are designed
step by step from how to control nervousness to how to design/ deliver speeches and how to prepare to
speak, including analysing the speaking situation and audience, collecting data and outlining speeches. The
informative and persuasive speeches will be emphasized.
Choosing a Topic Choosing a Topic
教學參考節數: 6
Create trsong openings and closings Create trsong openings and closings
教學參考節數: 6
Build audience rapport through eye contact, vocal delivery and body language Build audience rapport through eye contact, vocal delivery and body language
教學參考節數: 6
Organize key points into a coherent story Organize key points into a coherent story
教學參考節數: 6
Improve personal voice projection, articulation, pacing, and fluency Improve personal voice projection, articulation, pacing, and fluency
教學參考節數: 6
Capture and maintain audience interest and attention using interactive techniques Capture and maintain audience interest and attention using interactive techniques
教學參考節數: 6


A. G. 國際視野B. G. 博雅能力
C. G. 道德與法律素養D. G. 溝通協調與合作能力
E. G. 生涯發展能力F. G. 資訊科技應用能力
G. G. 解決問題能力H. G. 專業與創新能力


A. 英語聽說讀寫譯基本能力B. 文學欣賞與文化認知能力
C. 國際貿易英文專業能力 D. 英語教學專業能力
E. 商務英文專業能力F. 資訊電腦應用能力
G. 觀光旅遊英文專業能力


A. 理論講述與討論B. 個案分析或作品賞析
C. 行動實作與報告